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Tea Time Conversations

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

"Does visible light interact with a slow moving electron?"

"If it does, then is the interaction identical to that of a fast moving electron?"

"Is it even possible to generate a slow moving electron?"

These were some questions which were thrown on WhatsApp group by one of my friends.

Maybe such questions are already being addressed by researchers in this field and have a legitimate answer to these.

It's a 'maybe' because I found myself too lazy to actually go through the literature.

But still we kept ourselves engaged in discussing the various possibilities to answer those problems raised above.

When the discussion was over, I was entangled in thoughts (it's not the quantum entanglement of course).

Below points would just brief the train of thoughts that I had

● We used to have a lot of discussions, you know actual "conversations", with my friends and colleagues over tea.

● That was the time when cellphones were lying silent on tables and were not in our hands.

● Topics of discussion were eerie and comic, scientific and spiritual.

● And now, I am just left with an apprehension, how those tea time conversations were like. But don't exactly remember what were the discussions about.

I guess this is the first time I'm sharing something so publicly. But Hey! There's always a first time for everything.

And the specific reason to write all this is to express gratitude to all those who have helped in my personal growth as a person through these tea time conversations. And I highly appreciate those moments when I look back in time.

Doesn't matter if I just don't remember everything. But the aroma of those tea time conversations would always stay.

And while thanking, I got occupied with one more thought. Whether it was the tea that was making the conversations beautiful or were these the conversations which were helping in gulping down that awful canteen tea.

Just a thought!

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