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The Mirror

Little did the German chemist, Justus von Liebig, knows that his simple invention of a mirror could prove much useful to people.

Historians might get offended if the credit goes to Mr. Liebig. They would dig out all the literature to show the use of mirrors throughout history. And as per the current trends these days, who knows poor Late Mr. Liebig has to await the Supreme Court's verdict about this. So let me clear, I'm talking about modern mirrors.

So, where were we?

Oh! yes. Many benefits of the (modern) mirrors.

Intellectuals would say, "obviously we know about it." Starting from the plain mirrors to the curved ones, mirrors have revolutionised the globe. From vehicles to energy meters, microscopes to telescopes, dentists to beauticians, these mirrors have found their apt places.

Now let's just come out of the scientific world and be a little social. We are not the characters of The Big Bang Theory. In the world outside, the mere use of the word, mirror, have done wonders. Let's just explore.

Poetry: A simple yet deep verse by Sylvia Plath, Mirror.

Just to avoid confusion. The horror movie, Mirror, is not an adaptation of Ms. Sylvia's work.

Now back to the verse. So who can come up with an idea putting the mirror into poetry, then a lady! And the gist of the verse, whether you fret or admire, the mirror would show you your real face.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest one of all! "

Poor Snowhite. She hadn't suffered this much, if the mirror could have lied.

The Mirror: Again, don't confuse the horror on-screen to the bulletin in the real life.

The Mirror is a print version of a news brand in Britain. Maybe they chose the name just to reflect the world as it is.

Idioms and Phrases: "Hold the mirror to them if they are not done with smoke and mirror."

Ah! A sentence using two idioms using the same word, mirror, that too with contrasting meanings. But what could one do about it. After all, it is a "modern" mirror in a "modern" society full of hypocrites.

Movies: The Mirror, Mirror, Mirrors. Well! I guess a lot of producers are in love with a mirror.

Whether science or art, one is greatly inspired by mirrors. And meanwhile, I'm stuck between, 'showing people a mirror' and, 'just be yourself' kind of phrases.

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